Monday, August 20, 2007

60 years of India's Independence : A fancy..

To quote the words of W.B.Yeats,

"Things fall apart, the center cannot hold,
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world .."

THE occasion of 60th anniversary of India’s independence from the shackles of British colonial subjugation seems of a big significance in indian history.But......are we really upto it??

It seems unlikely...

It is just a proud feeling of accomplishments that we Indians have achieved so far and instilled amongst us.Poverty and inequality continue to plague Indian society, even in these days of corporate partying.While India’s fabulously wealthy rulers are busy acquiring luxury cars and private jets, hundreds of millions continue to languish in poverty and misery.

Ignorance blurs our vision and we begin to see through coloured glasses.We still have farmers commiting suicides and agriculture minister chairing BCCI battles.We still don’t have the right to reject out candidates who rule on the district, state and national levels.This is all consequent of the fact that we indians have been paying a scant to our minimum responsibilities and are indulged in our own enjoyments and welfare.

Mere living in ivory towers and building castles in the air can lead us nowhere.Recent years have witnessed a remarkable growth in the indian economic front.And Major advancements have been made in various industries like science, telecom, production, IT, sports, managing, etc.Then why are lagging behind?Why are we yet developing?There still lacks something that needs to be worked on.It is the System and the people who are in charge of this system.Not only that, but also a sense of realisation that has to be cultivated among the common minds.The foundations of the future lies in its present.And the present lies our hands.So no doubt if we start working now, then the time is not so far, when india will get back its glory and will be recognised as a developed nation.


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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Magnetic Pole Shift

"Flips have happened as close together as 50,000 years, though the last one was 780,000 years ago. But, as discussed at the Greenland Space Science Symposium, held in Kangerlussuaq this week, the signs are that another flip is coming soon.

One of those signs is that the strength of the field has been falling by 5% a century recently. A similar (though more rapid) diminution accompanies the reversing of the sun's magnetic field, which happens every 11 years or so. Other evidence comes from old navigation records. Researchers such as Nils Olsen, of the Danish National Space Centre, have used such records to chart the growth of patches of abnormal magnetism. They are able to do so because these records use both compass bearings and astronomical observations to locate a vessel. The changing relationship between the two shows that patches of abnormal magnetism have been growing off south-east Africa and in the South Atlantic.

Just when the magnetic field will flip is impossible to predict from what is known at the moment; the best guess is that there are still several centuries to go. Nor is it clear how long its protective shield will be down. (The record in the rocks is little help, since a geological eyeblink represents many human lifetimes.) But understanding how the magnetosphere works now should help to deal with the consequences if and when it vanishes."

It's likely that the solar max in 2011/2012 will have bad effects on earth with solar storms distrupting our electromagnetic field. time will tell if earths deffenses are up to it. this can also shifts earths poles.

Speed of Light - Rigveda

ऋग्वेद 1-50-4 ( सायणाचार्य)

तथा च स्मर्यते-योजनाना सहस्ट्रे द्वे-द्वे शते द्वे च योजने |
एकेनं निमशारधेन क्रम मान नामोस्तुटे

( above is typed on quillpad and could not be exact due to transciption limitation)

Rigved 1-50-4 ( saynachaary)

Tatha ch smryate-yojnana sahastre dwe-dwe shate dwe ch yojne |
ekenn nimshaardhen kram maan namostute

Meaning ( as given by Dr. Vartak in Vastav Ramayan)

Sun light travels 2202 yojane ( unit of length) in half nimish ( unit of time )

1 yojan = 9 & 1/16 ( 9.0625 ) miles ( as given in Govt. of India published booklet)

1 nimish = 16/75 second (0.213333..) ( support Mahbharat Shantiparva adyay 231 )

i.e in 0.10666 seconds light travels 2202 yojant ( i.e. 19955.625 miles)

therefore in 1 second light travels 187083.99 miles

which is close to moder value of spped of light ( 187372 mile per second )

This is given by sayancharya saying he is reiterating what is written in some ancient scipture..

( Above information in book Vastav Ramayan of Dr. P. V. Vartak )